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Web3: Unlocking the Next Level of Innovation in Cryptocurrency

KryptoLenz - Sanjeewa
KryptoLenz - Sanjeewa

Table of Contents

What is Web3?

Within the Internet community, Web3 has become the latest phenomenon. It makes use of blockchains, cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and other technologies to grant the user ownership and authority. Web 1.0 aimed to make information more accessible. Web 2.0 encouraged people to participate and collaborate online. Now, with Web 3.0, the focus is on decentralization, blockchain tech, and using tokens for economics.

Fundamental Concepts of Web3

Web3 is known to have some unique characteristics,

  • Web3 is decentralized, its creators and users share ownership of it.
  • Web3 is based on a permissionless blockchain, thus participation is equal for all users.
  • Web3 offers native payments, allowing users to send and receive payments online using cryptocurrencies while foregoing traditional transactions.
  • Web3 operates through economic mechanisms and incentives rather than depending on other parties, thus it is trustless.

Which Technological Platforms Facilitate Web3?

Technological Platforms of Web3
  • Blockchain Technology: A blockchain operates similarly to a digitally distributed, decentralized record book, serving as a ledger. A new block is made and permanently linked to the chain each and every time fresh data is contributed to the network. After that, the modification is reflected on all blockchain nodes.
  • Smart contracts: These are particular software programs that operate on the blockchain. "If-then" logic is the foundation of the main program.
  • Tokens and digital assets: In the Web3 era, fungible and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) emerged as a digital asset. These can be cryptocurrencies, stable coins, central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), and the aforementioned NFTs (nonfungible tokens). This is seen to be an innovative approach for transactions between individuals and corporations.

What Distinguishes Web3  from Web 2.0?

According to the Web3 community, Web3 allows consumers to manage their own information without the need for intermediaries. Web3 fundamentally changes how internet commercialization, and information management function. In contrast, data, content, and transactions is still centralized in the Web 2.0 era.

Another difference seen in Web 2.0, is that it requires an intermediate between two parties to facilitate the flow of financial resources and information. Whereas Web3 operates on a trustless system, as its technology incorporates an "if-then" logic, that ensures transactions proceed only when specific conditions are met.

What makes Web3 Significant?


Digital asset ownership is attainable in a way that was not possible before. Due to Web3, direct ownership is acquired by obtaining non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Censorship Resistance

In Web3, censorship resistance is pivotal for maintaining an open and transparent digital landscape. Unlike traditional systems, Web3 prioritizes user empowerment and ensures a tamper-proof flow of information and transactions.

Overcoming challenges such as legal complexities and technological limitations, Web3 employs smart contracts, decentralized storage, and blockchain consensus to fortify censorship resistance. Community engagement and advocacy further contribute to preserving a censorship-resistant Web3 environment.

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)

In Web3, DAOs act as streamlined decision-making entities. They replace traditional hierarchical structures with trust-based, collaborative models, leveraging smart contracts and blockchain for transparent and fair operations. DAOs ensure inclusive participation, allowing individuals to collectively shape the course of a community or project.

Constraints of Web3


Even though Web3 is seen as an inexpensive technology, many nations—especially impoverished countries—cannot afford it. High transaction costs are thought to be the primary cause of this. As such, the accessibility of Web3 is hindered, limiting its reach and adoption, and underscoring the fact that this technology may not be accessible to everyone.

User Experience

Web3 uses a comparatively high level of technology. In Web 2.0 users had to deal with security issues and understand intricate technical documents in order to conduct online activities and transactions. Virtual wallets are seen as a solution for these issues.

How can You get Involved?

Acquiring a Web3 Wallet

A user needs a digital wallet in order to interact with Web3 applications. Wallets allow the user to store and manage their digital assets, they are based on blockchain technologies like NFTs, digital tokens, cryptocurrencies, etc.

Engaging in a Web3 Community

Cryptocurrency Community Hub

The key benefit of engaging with a community is that we can attract more possibilities and obtain more ideas when we interact with like-minded people.

In essence, being involved in a crypto community inspires and motivates you. Interacting with traders allows you to positively maintain your passion. Joining a community is where many successful crypto journeys began, so we advice you to join one today.

Bottom Line

Though it might be easy to dream, it can be challenging to make those dreams come true. Though no one would have considered it a breakthrough when Gavin Wood first proposed the idea of Web3 in 2014, everything entered the global community as a result of technological advancements. As such for now we can say that it's just the beginning.
